
机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN IV 命运前夜

A一身的轻松自在。仿佛脱离了那些明争暗斗,勾心斗角,尔虞我诈的生意战场,只想把自己安静在另一个世界里fter the Dawn Rebellion, Char travels to Earth and meets a girl with mysterious powers named Lalah Sune.Meanwhile, Amuro's father Tem Ray is working on the RX-78 development project. Learning of the defection of Doctor Minovsky, a key figure in Zeon mobile suit development, he heads for the moon. History's first battle between mobile suits unfolds in the twilight zone of the lunar surface.Then comes Universal Century 0079. Side 3, the space city furthest from the Earth, launches a war of independence against the Earth Federation government under the name of the Principality of Zeon.An era of violent upheaval begins, in which half of the total human population will be killed...http://www.gundam-the-origin.net/en/story/index.html



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