

  • Larkin Bell Sri Chilukuri 迈尔斯·克兰福德 
  • 状态:HD

W还没来得及多吻一次,多看一眼,就被那个女人的叫骂声撞击得七零八碎,再也无法还原。好遗憾,七月的熘火真的很毒,我开始歇斯底里地烦躁不安yatt, a cynical narcoleptic who lives in a flop house-like apartment, wants to be a journalist. His career dreams are nearly dashed when he notices a mysterious girl named Fern living on his block in an 88 Toyota Tercel hatchback. Ferns father went missing and assumed dead when she was a young child living in Montana. After receiving a cryptic letter from a stranger named Dr. Green, telling her that her father is alive and living in LA, she decides to go look for him herself. Together the two set off on a journey to find Ferns elusive dad among the derelict corners of the city, while developing a not so platonic interest for each other along the way.



