

P相见将是此生的一大幸事。相互了解是心灵的契约。悲伤、快乐和幸福。我认为在你的空气中总有一种彼此了解和珍惜的味道raomook works at a nightclub to earn money and pay a debt. She doesn't get along with Chalunthorn because he misunderstood her, thinking she's a bad girl. One day, his parents ask Praomook to marry Chalunthorn to remove the bad luck from him. She accepts the proposal just to get back at him. He pretends to be gay to avoid her but she doesn't believe it. They will eventually start falling for each other, but there are obstructions to their love. Treenutch, Chalunthorn's ex wants revenge while trying to get Chalunthorn back. There's also Maithong, the rival of Praomook's family and Chalunthorn's fling.


  • 第10集
  • 第13集
  • 第17集
  • 第7集
  • 第12集完结
  • 第1集
  • 第06集
  • 第24集完结
  • 第14集完结
  • 第20集完结
  • 第8集完结
  • 第12集完结
  • 第18集
  • 第36集完结
  • 更新至10集


