

当你进入生活,你就进入了忧虑。她会一直陪着你,让你和你一样上瘾。关心的感觉是微弱的,不断变化的,有时是一种快乐,有时是一种悲伤,有时脉搏加快,发烧加剧,有时是心和肺隐隐作痛。因此,关心是美丽而痛苦的   Ralph Angel (Kofi Siriboe) finally learns the truth about his biological connection to Blue (Ethan Hutchison). Elsewhere, Violet (Tina Lifford) and Hollywood (Omar J. Dorsey) return home from Venice, Italy. Nova (Rutina Wesley) meets with book executives who are interested in her work, and Charley (Dawn-Lyen Gardner) meets with Sam Landry (David Jensen) to solidify their new partnership. After their meeting, Charley exposes her hidden plan for Landry Enterprises to Ralph Angel. Later, everyone arrives at Collings High School to root for the St. Jo team, where things take an unexpected turn when four teenagers take a knee in silent protest. Micah is captivated by the teen protesters. Later in the evening, Charley makes a startling discovery about Officer Orson, the cop who traumatized Micah. The following day, Nova meets with the teen protesters to hear their story.



